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What Is A Smart Home?

What is a Smart Home? You wouldnā€™t be alone if youā€™re confused by all the ā€˜smartā€™ jargon in the industry today. To put it simply, a ā€˜smart homeā€™ means using the latest technology to make the home more functional, connected and automated. This helps save money on energy costs, improve comfort, add convenience to everyday […]

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Is Home Automation Really Worth It?

We are living in a time when technology seems to be evolving on a daily basis. With so many new gadgets and new technologies popping up every other day, we thought weā€™d highlight some reasons why homeowners should consider a smart home. Safety Using a home automation controller gives homeowners the ability to check on […]

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Reduce Energy Bills With a Smart Air Conditioning System

There is no denying that it gets hot in Western Australia. In a typical summer season, heat waves with temperatures up to 40 degrees Celsius is quite the norm. So much so, that in WA more than 93% of Perth homes are smart air conditioning. Thatā€™s a lot of homes, and a lot of energy […]

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iZone Smart Lighting Release

smart lighting release

Airstream have spent 2 years developing the intelligent, wireless, lighting solution which can be installed as a fully integrated system with the iZone air conditioning controller or as an inexpensive standalone smart lighting release system. Airstreamā€™s latest innovation, iZone 325, integrates your zones and air conditioning unit controls into a single controller, plus comes with […]

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